What can we learn from Joseph?

Joseph, chagrined but noble, determined to take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced. (Matthew 1:19 MSG)

How do I react when I’ve been socially embarrassed? What do I do when I get hurt? Often the first reaction is to take shots at the person causing the pain and embarrassment. But what do we learn from Joseph?

Joseph chose not to disgrace the one causing his pain. I can’t think of anything more disgraceful than the situation Joseph found himself. Yet I often feel my pride and reputation is hurt by much smaller incidents–when others point out mistakes or shortcomings or simply my own actions embarrass myself and those around me.

Two other things stand out in Joseph’s example. First, he determined his course of action. It doesn’t say he blew it off or his feelings weren’t hurt. He made a choice. We always have a choice. No one “makes” us angry. We do that of our own accord. Second, he went about it quietly. Far be it for most of us to suffer in quiet! And, if we are of a mind to make nothing of it when we feel slighted, it’s another thing not to mention it to others. We still want credit for being so magnanimous.

My course of action is up to me when I feel social embarrassment. If led by the Spirit, I will act like Joseph. His concern was more for the other person than himself. If led by my own feelings, I will ultimately take actions resulting in further embarrassment. So, the bright move is to choose first to move along quietly and let God take care of the rest.

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