Am I trivializing myself?

“Trivialize even the smallest item in God’s Law and you will only have trivialized yourself. But take it seriously, show the way for others, and you will find honor in the kingdom. (Matthew 5:19 MSG)

I trivialize myself when I overlook what I classify as small or minor sins. There are no small or minor sins. All faults are the same before God, because at the root is my choice to worship him or myself. My allegiance determines my actions, not the other way around.

Excuses and not sweating the small stuff may seem the norm in our society, but doing so makes me just like everyone else. I am trivialized. Taking my loyalty to Christ seriously in what we think are small things is actually a very big thing. On a good day, anyone can get the big ones right: do not murder, steal, or lie. But I am not able to show anyone much just by keeping those laws.

We show the way to others by taking our relationship with God seriously, even down to what we eat, drink, and consume on a daily basis. While everyone else makes rules to live by to suit their own desires, we can show them a more satisfying way of living by satisfying God in even the small things. Keeping the obvious and easy laws really brings no satisfaction or differentiation to our lives.

Everyday offers great opportunity to serve God by saying yes to him through a myriad of small choices. Anyone can get the big stuff right, but can I follow Christ when everyone else thinks it doesn’t matter?

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