Am I willing to climb the hill?

When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down (Matthew 5:1 MSG)

Some will keep running as long as the course is flat. But how many of us are ready and willing to climb the hills in order to be stronger?

The Bearathon in Waco includes nearly six miles of steep hills along the 13.1 mile course. Training for this race calls for weeks of repeats on these hills so that come race day the course and inclines are familiar and the body is ready. Foolish are those who sign up for the race with no hill training. Their bodies struggle as they give way to walking and the whole experience is nothing but pain. But to the committed runner, the course has already become part of his normal training. The race can be enjoyed as he presses forward while others are cursing themselves for entering the race.

Spiritually it is no different. The crowd will stay to listen to Jesus as long as the listening is easy and no real effort is required. Going to church services is easy, once one is in the habit. Just like running three miles is easy to the casual jogger. But when I am called to climb the hills with Jesus, will I be among the committed who follow him there? For those who climb the mountain with Jesus, he shares how to truly be blessed.

Why wasn’t the sermon on the mount instead the sermon on the plains? Because those not willing to climb, to demonstrate commitment and discipline, are not ready to hear what Jesus says on the mountain top. When we get to the top, Jesus finds a quiet place where we can hear his voice. When we stay down on the busy streets and flat country, his voice is difficult to separate from the clutter we call life.

I must discipline my mind, body, and spirit to climb the hill. I can’t be satisfied with hearing just what everyone else hears on the streets and putters along. What effort must I make today to follow Jesus up the hill to hear his words of blessing on my life? I won’t get there doing what has already become easy for me. I must face a new challenge where he calls and go up where I’ve not been before.

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