Who me? Change my life?

His message was simple and austere, like his desert surroundings: “Change your life. God’s kingdom is here.” What counts is your life. Is it green and blossoming? Because if it’s deadwood, it goes on the fire. (Matthew 3:2, 10 MSG)

Most of us aren’t really interested in changing our lives. Maybe a tweak here or there, but we think we’ve pretty much got it down. What about me? Am I willing to strip bare down to the essentials?

John was sold out. What he dressed like or what he had for dinner was unimportant. Scan a few posts on Facebook and you see that most of our friends are consumed with consuming–what wine, food, clothing, or events make them happy or discontent. If these are my friends perhaps I am not too different?

We may not be ready to wear the same clothes everyday and eat locusts and honey at every meal. But, really, what am I willing to change? What is deadwood in my life? If Christ were purifying my life, what would burn up? On the other hand, what is green and growing?

The best way to get rid of deadwood is to plant and grow something green and let it spread. I should ask the Father to reveal the deadwood–those consumption habits that are empty and unsatisfying. But, the trick is to change my heart so that I no longer care or have interest in the deadwood. The way to do that is by joining God in something that is growing. Maybe this is a small group at church or working with disadvantaged children or the homeless. The point is that as my interests merge with Christ’s my interest in the ways of the world wanes. I should always be on deadwood alert when I notice my interests agree with those who have no spiritual compass in life.

The answer to living a changed life is to let something green blossom and grow. I must nurture those interests aligned with Christ’s with the proper amount of time–not just five minutes–and focused attention to see true change. What one thing will I do today that identifies me with Christ?

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