How can love make haters?

“When people realize it is the living God you are presenting and not some idol that makes them feel good, they are going to turn on you, even people in your own family. There is a great irony here: proclaiming so much love, experiencing so much hate! But don’t quit. Don’t cave in. It is all well worth it in the end. (Matthew 10:21, 22 MSG)

I’ve always wondered what some people have against the message of love, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience, and grace. These are ways we all want others to act toward us. Yet when these traits come in Jesus’ name, people bristle and claim they are being oppressed by Christians.

One reason people feel this way is because Christians present the wrong message or in the wrong way, or both. But, that is not the point Jesus is making with his disciples. Jesus is saying some will not want to know the living God and instead prefer a (dead) idol. Why?

Idols can be controlled. God can’t. Idols can be shaped into any form one wishes. God can’t. Idols can be put aside or ignored. God cannot. Idols, since they are formed by their makers, are designed to satisfy self. God is the creator not the created and all things are created to satisfy him. Once a follower of Christ suggests knowing the living God of the universe, idol-worshipers rebel because their whole lives are wrapped up in their idols. To worship God would mean dismissing the idols under their control and submitting to the uncontrollable and unknown. My calling, then, is to make God known. When others see God controlling me and delivering what their idols cannot–peace, joy, kindness, patience, self-control, mercy, hope and grace–then perhaps a chance exists to show them the better way.

Jesus is saying not everyone is going to enjoy the message. In fact, I often don’t accept the message that the living God wants to shatter my idols–my comfortable way of living I’ve created so self feels in control. I must first give up my idols and let the uncontrollable God take over the controls. The more I present the living God in control of my life, the more others can see what real living is like.

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