I have the first part of the Golden Rule down?

“Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get. (Matthew 7:12 MSG)

I often stop at just the first part of the Golden Rule. I’m pretty quick to figure out what I’d like others to do for me. I need to grab the initiative and do it for them. But, what would that look like?

First, what do I want people to do for me? On a basic level, I want others to:
1. Appreciate my work
2. Listen to what I have to say
3. Ask for my help in areas of strength
4. Be patient with me in areas of weakness
5. Pray for me

Second, instead of waiting on others to act like I want, I should start looking for ways to do these things for others. I should find someone today to tell them what a great job she is doing. I should take some time at lunch listening to a friend instead of (a) working through lunch or (b) dominating conversation when I do lunch with others. I should consider areas I need help and ask someone to help who is well-suited and would enjoy helping. When I see a family member or friend struggling, I should be patient and offer comfort. I should ask someone specifically today how I can pray for him.

What would happen if I made it my mission to think of how I’d like to be treated and started looking for specific, intentional ways to do the same for others? Maybe even for others who will never return the favor? The result would be the fulfillment of all of the laws and the prophets.

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