Will hard things come? Will the sun rise?

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:34 MSG)

We last dealt with the reality that God is trying to teach us something today, so don’t focus on what may happen tomorrow. What we may have missed here is that Jesus is saying God will help whenever hard things come up. Not IF, but when they come up.

I have this misconceived notion that I can reach a point where nothing hard will come up. God may afford me respites, but not much of this life is designed for ease. Our fallen minds and finite bodies assure us of this. Either other people will fail or our bodies will fail us, bringing heartache with it. The only true hope for rest comes in the hands of the savior and then only completely when I stand in his presence.

The way to rest lies in giving up my striving to control my circumstances. God has ordained and engineered my situation. The only real question is will I let him help me deal with it or will I continue to struggle taking it on in my own strength?

A good practical way to transform the mind is to get alone with Jesus and meditate on two things: I am not in control and my life rests in your hands. True rest can only come when I am willing to cede control to the Father. It’s not like I had any in the first place, so the real issue is wrapping my mind around this reality.

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