Why not get worked up?

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:34 MSG)

Do you think God gets worked up about what might happen tomorrow? He’s never even worked up about what happens today. When we go to God with our troubles, it’s more like, “Dear God, as you know….” Our prayers are never the source of breaking news to him. God is always prepared. Nothing surprises God.

If I get worked up–and I do get worked up–about today and tomorrow, then I am displaying doubt, reservations, or disbelief that God is working right now in my circumstances. The reality is I am unwilling to be content in discomfort and believe God has mistakenly overlooked my plight. My misconception derives from my wrong view of Jesus.

Jesus did not seek or live in comfort. The goals of comfort and security are completely man made with the endpoint of self-sufficiency. Once I am comfortable I no longer need depend on God. Then I can rest and take my leisure. Discomfort reminds me I’m not in control and I immediately want to seize it.

Jesus is saying God is up to something right now. Quit looking past this moment and either figure out what that is or be content that he’s already got it figured. If I’m uncomfortable or insecure, one obvious thing God is doing is teaching me to take my comfort in him, not my circumstances. If Jesus had let his circumstances determine his purpose and disposition, he would have caved after 40 days and nights in the wilderness. I hardly go through one day of struggle and I’m looking for the oasis.

God has ordained today for his purposes. What does he have in mind? What’s on his agenda? That’s what I should be asking him instead of trying to get him to adjust to my schedule of planned events.

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