Really, where is my treasure?

It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being. (Matthew 6:21 MSG)

I might say my treasure is in Christ. Is it? Where do I find myself? If I find myself in Christ, following him, then he indeed is my treasure. If I find myself in myself, I’m somewhere else altogether.

People claim they want to be Christ-followers, but that’s not what we see them do. Why? That’s not the place they most want to be. Their actions show they’d far rather be someplace else–because that’s where they are.

Isn’t it obvious? I’m not worshipping with the congregation because I’d rather stay up on Saturday night and stay in bed Sunday morning. I’m not serving the homeless because I’d rather be at home. I’m not saving money so that I can give because I’d rather spend it on me.

I shouldn’t say this is where my treasure is unless that’s where I am. It makes no sense to serve up platitudes and nice-sounding wannabes about what I should do. Instead I should find myself where I want to be. And if I’m not there then I should face the reality that I didn’t want to be there in the first place.

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