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Did we make history?

History was not made with the SCOTUS decision, it was remade. First century Romans allowed same sex marriage, with the Emporer Nero doing so himself, twice.  Thus, we can interpret Paul’s writings in the proper cultural context, at a time when homosexual behaviors were accepted at the highest political levels. It wasn’t until the 4th century that laws (the Theodicean Code) forbade same sex marriage. So, don’t buy it from those who want to exclude these Scriptures on cultural context arguments or cherry pick verses (Matt 7:1) with no practice or intent to follow the rest of God’s Word.

How did things change so quickly?

Three related reasons, among many others: First, from a sociological viewpoint, it took the failures of two generations to bring about the mind shift in values. The great generation withstood world wars and begat the baby boom generation (1946-64), but generally failed to understand how to teach your children the values they held. In turn, the boomers reacted to the distance and divorces of their parents by helicoptering over their children, providing guidance and support for every physical, monetary, recreational and educational need. Unfortunately, when it came to the most important role of parenting to instill faith and values, this generation largely left their children to figure it out for themselves.

But, what about Believers? That leads to the second reason. As Christians, we have tried to teach our children, but have not always modeled the joy of following Christ. When Christ was on earth, those called by Him wanted to follow Him, to be with Him and like Him. Christ offers the abundant life.  But, too many of us (individually, as couples, and as the church) have not made this look very attractive to our (or others’) Gen X and Gen Y offspring. In particular, divorce and poor marital relationships equates to at least one distant parent (often the father). This links to the third reason…

Perhaps owing in part to the first two points, divorces increased until 1980, having declined since. Many lies about divorce statistics have been perpetuated, but even the truth that approximately 30% of first marriages end in divorce is nothing to be proud of. Pop media has helped the majority believe marriage between a man and a woman is not sacred or even to be expected. Lacking fundamental values instilled by parents, the living generations have been left floating in the sea of relativism, willing to rock to the latest wave of sentimentality. Some of these have become Supreme Court justices.

What to do?

  1. Affirm there is a better way. Remember that at least 97% of us still vote with our hearts and feet that the best way is between a man and a woman (even in Europe, where same sex couples have long been accepted).
  2. Live the better way that Christ offers. Make the character of Christ–love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, self-control–real in how we act toward others. We all, liberals and conservatives, aspire to such traits.
  3. Stay positive. Avoid needless debates to argue man’s opinions about morality. The issue is one’s relationship with Christ. When we seek Him we want to know the Truth, and that Truth is a person.