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Tips for blogging

So you started your blog. Nice.

What and how should you blog? According to McGraw Hill’s Online Marketing book, we share 20 excellent tips.

Top 20 Tips for Blogging

  1. Write as simply as possible. Like that.
  2. Keep it short. See?
  3. Plan a writing schedule and keep it. See #5.
  4. Make a list of topics to cover. Think about your target market.
  5. Look at the calendar. What’s in season?
  6. Create editorial departments. Like a magazine.
  7. Stay informed. Try www.google.com/alerts.
  8. Look to the key phrases for inspiration. What is trending?

    Google trends: music

    Google trends: music

  9. Take advantage of inspiration. Write down clever thoughts during the day. Or night.
  10. Plan “think pieces.” Provide background, analysis, and opinions. 400-500 words.
  11. Slice the onion thinly. Divide longer pieces into part 1 & 2. Stay tuned.
  12. Author how-to articles. Like this one.
  13. Include educational articles. Be authoritative. Research and facts help.
  14. Share your checklists. What works for you? Make a list. With numbers. Like this one.
  15. Try a Top 10 list. Or even 20.
  16. Interview people in your industry. Now you have an excuse.
  17. Embed videos from YouTube or elsewhere. Videos engage. Try it.
  18. Link to podcasts. Then add your opinion. 
  19. Outsource to experts. Get a guest blogger. Day off!
  20. Get the best blogging advice everyday. Where? Here.

What sells?

According to the same Online Marketing book, six things:

  1. Comparisons between two competing ideas or products.
  2. Problems solved. How have people made mistakes doing something? Show pitfalls and how to do it right.
  3. A better way. Sure, that’s a good way, but have you tried this “cool trick”?
  4. New uses. People forget what used to work still works. Or maybe it’s used elsewhere (corporations), but not here (music, sports, entertainment).
  5. New features, new prices, and, well, news. What’s new?
  6. User stories. (No, not drugs.)People trust people like them. What have you or others you know used and it worked?