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How do you do a sinus massage?

People often ask me, “Hey, Kirk. I know you enjoy a good sinus massage. How can I get one for myself?” I tell them it’s nice when your wife or girlfriend (better to have only one of these as a matter of general principle) to apply the massage, but if it’s all up to you, I have 7 easy steps to clear nasal passages that I took from this other website that’s doesn’t spell good. I’ve corrected the “grammy’s” as I like to call them and present them to you now.

General rule: Some areas of the face are very sensitive, so don’t apply too much pressure that will cause pain. Just in case you didn’t know that.

  1. Begin by gently massaging your forehead and cheeks with small circles, working from the center of your nose going upwards?
  2. Find the V-shaped notch about 2cm away from your nose, on the underside of your eyebrow ridge. Then with both thumbs on either side apply firm pressure here for 10 seconds, release and repeat 3 times.
  3. Then move outward about 1cm apart and apply and release pressure here three times.
  4. With the pads of your middle fingers, feel for bony indentations at the bottom, outer edges of your nose. Apply and release pressure here also.
  5. With the fourth and middle fingers, apply upward and outward pressure at the top of your nose, between your eyebrows.
  6. With these same fingers, apply pressure along the underside of the cheekbone. Gently massage, with small circles, along your jawbone from your ear to your chin. Relax your face by yawning, then repeat.
  7. Gently massage or apply pressure to the top of your head, especially right around the crown. You can recognize the pressure points by noting the especially tender spots; that’s an indication that some attention is needed.

General rule #2: If you find a tender or painful area pretty much anywhere on your person (not someone else’s), this is an indication it needs attention. Pressing or massaging for 10 seconds (3x) will help blood flow to needy area and let the body heal itself.

Notes adapted from: http://www.sinuswars.com/newsletters/SinusMassage&PostNasalDrip.asp