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What can we learn from “The Biggest Loser”? It’s time to face reality in our own reality show.

The people are blockheads! They stick their fingers in their ears so they won’t have to listen; They screw their eyes shut so they won’t have to look, so they won’t have to deal with me face-to-face and let me heal them. (Matthew 13:15 MSG)

I am a blockhead. At times I hear God speak to me to de-clutter my mind from the garbage I throw in there. I stick my fingers in my spiritual ears and close my eyes to the truth. Why? Because I’ve grown accustomed to the face I’ve put on, masking my inner being of tangled deceit.

Time to clean your mind?

Spring cleaning, fall cleaning, all-weather, all-season cleaning. Anytime is a good time to start cleaning your mind so you can hear what God is saying. And, He has a lot on His mind.

What vanities cloud my mind? What unsightly waxy buildup creates a roadblock to hearing God’s word? Anytime I savor thoughts of self-centered fantasy I potentially miss what the Spirit might be saying to me. While I’m looking at someone judging appearances, God might be telling me to say an encouraging word. While I’m lost in wishful thinking about how things could have been, God may be asking me to get busy making that call I’ve put off to make something happen today. I’ve become a true blockhead.

I must come face to face with Jesus so he can heal me. Don’t I want to be healed? Am I that much of a blockhead that I don’t even want to get better? If I get to that point then I need more than just a spiritual check-up. I need all cylinders removed and cleaned. If I allow so much sludge to accumulate that I don’t even notice I’ve come to a grinding halt, it’s time to have a real come-to-Jesus meeting.

Like the contestants in “The Greatest Loser” I must acknowledge I’ve totally let myself go. I’m always amazed at how these individuals literally hundreds of pounds overweight haven’t faced reality until they get on this reality show. I guess this is what I need. I have to admit I’ve let my mind go. It’s grossly unfit. I’ve fed it empty calories that tasted good at the time. But now I’m a blockhead, unable to go just a few minutes without taking another bite of mind-numbing candy.

What should I do? I can’t lose 100 pounds overnight. As much as I’d like to, I won’t get my mind completely cleaned just because I say so or even just because I asked God to clean it. Like losing weight, I must take it one day at a time. Since sinning follows the 80/20 rule (80% of your sinning come from only 20% of your top sins), I’m better off picking one major brain-cluttering category. And, since it takes 30 days to make/break habits, the key is in starting day 1 and picking a target end date for a check-up.

I don’t have to tell you what I’m starting with, but let’s make a deal that you’ll start with me today to quit being such a blockhead. I’d much rather hear God when he speaks and not miss the opportunity to enjoy a healthy, fruitful life.