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We place higher value on our families and family time than Jesus did.

Jesus didn’t respond directly, but said, “Who do you think my mother and brothers are?” He then stretched out his hand toward his disciples. “Look closely. These are my mother and brothers. Obedience is thicker than blood. The person who obeys my heavenly Father’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”(Matthew 12:48-50 MSG)

The most popular excuse today to get out of something is to pull the family card. “Sorry, I can’t be there. We have something planned with the family.” Not to say family isn’t important. We all know it is. The question is a matter of proper perspective.

If Jesus acted like some singles today, he would be a 30-year old living at home with his parents rather than embarking on a three-year ministry tour with no place to call his own. Jesus didn’t value his earthly family any more than his heavenly family. In fact, whether I like it or not, he said those who follow and obey him are his real family. We know he still loved his mother dearly, when on the cross he called upon John to watch after Mary.  But Jesus was more about building relationships among those who knew him as the son of God rather than those who knew him as the son of Joseph.

I must be careful that I do not either mindlessly or intentionally default to family time as a way to avoid or not properly care for others in the body of Christ. One easy way as a parent to do both is to take the child(ren) along in ministry opportunities. When our kids were young, one or more often accompanied me on visits to the homes of shut-ins, widows, or church visitors. We worked together on church service and mission projects. Today I see them on their own as adults doing the same things, ministering to the least of these in this world and caring for their brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we age we encounter more of life’s hardships, as friends and family members also age and face tragic illnesses or death. I must be reminded that my true residence is in the Kingdom of God. This planet is not my home. My family is not from these parts. We have a whole other place in heaven we call home. Jesus was not seeking his destiny on earth. And nor should I.