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If you’re tired of being run over, step out of the traffic.

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” (Psalm 46:10 MSG)

My new motto is RELAX. Yesterday I bought two wooden desk or shelf pieces to put in my office to remind me to relax. My nature is to run and gun without so much as taking a breath. But, when I do that I often get wound up, unable to truly relax. It’s time to switch gears.

The answer is simple. If I’m tired of being run down and run over, I should step out of the traffic. And once I step out of the traffic, what should I do? Take a long, loving look at the One who stands above the traffic, the politics, the everyday mess of life. As long as I keep trying to weave my way through traffic, I’m bound to eventually wind up in more traffic.

I must pull off the side of the road for a break before I crash. Practically speaking this means at least 30 minutes in the morning when I rise and 5 minutes for every 100 minutes I’m at work. If I can’t take a break for 5% of my day to relax then obviously I’m pretty messed up. Likewise if you’re not taking a break from the world to intentionally focus on the Creator rather than the created, you’re messed up and just don’t know it. Yet.

This brings me to Bill Maher. The reason this comedian cannot get over talking about God is because He exists. If God really were the nothing Maher says he believes, then Bill wouldn’t bother so much with Him. No one gives the time of day–not even a few minutes a day–to something of no concern. The problem for Bill is God does exist and stands above politics, above everything. Were He nothing, Bill would have nothing to talk about. But since He is something, Bill does have something to talk about. He should be thankful to God or else he’d be an unemployed comedian.

The point is we must take time out to recognize who and where God stands. He is not caught up or bogged down in the politics of today. He’s not worried about this election cycle. He’s not stressed about the economy. He’s not wringing his hands over healthcare.

If I want to enjoy this time I have on this earth I need to exit the fast lane to catch my breath. I need to pull over for a break to get the right perspective. I need to take a long, loving look at the Most High. See how He’s relaxed? See how He’s not stressed? I can take at least 5 minutes every morning and afternoon to rest in Him, to take His point of view. It beats getting run over all day.