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Everyone has deep questions.

Some are deeper than others. Let’s face it. Some people are deeper than others.

To dig deep(ly) one must first ask questions. If you start a conversation with imperatives you’ll soon be in a conversation with yourself. That’s not a good thing. And, if you’re the only one answering the questions you aren’t going very deep.

So, here, you will find plenty of questions. These questions lead to answers. Maybe not the answers you expected. Maybe you have some other answers. Feel free to leave them here. If you’re lucky they’ll still be here when you come back.

We start with spiritual questions. Questions like, “Why am I here? Why does Jesus not heal me? and Can I bargain with God?” As the questions grow, we’ll soon have the 100 Question Challenge. Pass the 100 Question Challenge and you’ll have more than a few answers.

What kind of people will like what they find here?

If you are bold, uncompromising, relevant, provocative, and empowered to take action where you live, we’ll probably get along. Maybe not agree, but we’ll get along. If you are cautious, careful, restrained, and avoid risk, then you’ve probably already left this site. If not, you’re free to go now.

Subscribe to Deep Questions and come along for a rollicking ride. Maybe we’ll both learn something along the way.